The Nature of My Heart

4/22/2010 Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Today is Earth Day, but every day in April is a part of National Poetry Month.

So in honor of both, I dug through some old poems of mine to find one that contained some references to nature. Here's one:

~ Sparrow ~

by erica davis

Why did we come together?
That's asking why does the wind blow
How did things fall into place?
Well, ask me how does water flow

If things weren't meant to be
Then tell me how to say good-bye
Before a butterfly can live
Another phase and form must die

It's like the dreary forest
In winter's dull shadows of gray
All the leaves are falling
Nothing moves or motions where they lay

In the hollow of a tree
A sweet, dark sparrow sits oppressed
He did not leave when winter came
He stays to tend to his old nest

Overhead he hears a song
A tune that promises of spring
But see, if he can ever leave the cold
He must outstretch each wing

In the east a garden blooms
Jasmine's scent fills up the air
Sunbeams peek through dewy palms
Shimmering on a land quite rare

The garden waits for him to come
She sings her song for him to hear
With every drop of sparkling rain
Sheds a warm and lonely tear

Flowers waiting to gathered
Branches waiting to be perched
Fertile soil needing planting
Corners wanting to be searched

Why did we come together?
So the dark rain clouds could form
Making us appreciate
The rainbow after this brief storm

Why else would night bring stars
Illuminating earth from high above?
What purpose has their radiant glow
If not to just inspire love?

Why else would fire burn
Scorching us with her intense red heat
If not to fuel our passion
Causing elements to merge and meet?

Why else would showers fall
If not to calm the world for just a time
So we may sit and stare, reflect and share
Reconnect the mind

If land can shake from underneath
If live volcanoes can explode
If winds can blow away a city
Then our own love can unfold

If waves can rise to higher levels
If sparks can burst into the sky
Then our own fears don't seem quite so large
So sparrow, why ask why?